Policies for Work Completion on Chasten project
Blog posts for the Developer Development website will be created by a committee of three people. Committees will be assigned for the week on Mondays at 9:35am.
The committees will be expected to have final/working drafts by 9:00pm on Sundays for the post reviewed on Monday, and at 9:00pm on Tuesday for the post reviewed on Wednesday. Because of this, individual team members are expected to complete their first professional precis of the week by Wednesdays 9:00am, and the second by Fridays at 9:00am.
Committees are encouraged to seek help from the team at large if they feel that they cannot complete their work on time. They are encouraged to do so at least nine hours prior to their deadline.
Failure to meet the goals necessitates that one or more committee members must write an incident report, to be published as a blog post, and must within 24 hours of that initial deadline have something to show for their work. In 48 hours, it must be complete.
Incident reports must consist of a review of the cause of the issue, the issue itself, and how to resolve/prevent the issue from occuring again.
Pull requests to the team’s project require three reviewers before they can be merged. This should be done within a week of a pull request leaving the ‘draft’ state.
We have assigned Policy and Schedule Maintainers, who will be in charge of updating their corresponding responsibilitiees weekly and/or as needed.
At minimum, five issues in the Chasten repository must be worked on per week. Ideally, ten to twelve will see progress, if not total completion.